- Michael Arretz and Reinier de Man, A series of short articles on developing a socially and environmentally responsible textile industry in Bangladesh, published in The Apparel News (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
- Interview , “We’ve to motivate production companies to take their own responsibilities, Apparel News, Vol. 02-20, 1 November 2018.
- “A strong business case for investing in sustainability”, Apparel News, Vol. 2-21, 16 November 2018.
- “Improving working conditions. Happy workers, productive factories.”, forthcoming December 2018.
- “Saving energy, saving money and improving production: easy win-win solutions for textile companies”, The Apparel News, December 2018.
- “Surviving after 2021: invest in people and technology”, forthcoming, January 2019.
- Reinier de Man, Sustainability of Bioenergy: the contribution of private sector
initiated certification, Unpublished manuscript, Leiden, November 2016. Partly based on this paper: Reinier de Man and Laura German, Certifying the sustainability of biofuels: Promise and reality, Energy Policy, 2017, vol. 109, issue C, 871-883. Unfortunately, I could not effectively control the edits made in the Energy Policy version, which, as a result is much far less convincing than the original manuscript.
- Reinier de Man, Han Brezet, Wieg tot Wieg is utopie
(“cradle to crade is utopian concept”), Milieu 2016-2, March 2016. - Reinier de Man, Henning Friege, Circular Economy: European Policy on shaky ground, Waste Management & Research, 2016, Vol 34(2) 93-95 (February 2016).
- Reinier de Man, Die Akzeptanz erhöhen – RPP-Zertifizierung
soll Moorgebiete schützen und die Verfügbarkeit von Torf sichern (on
RPP peat certification), TASPO, November 2014. Download draft (in
German) - Reinier de Man, Responsibly
Produced Peat – A Dutch Initiative for European Certification of
Growing Media, in: Peatlands International, 2014-1 (2014) - Reinier de Man, Private Sector Driven
Sustainability Standards, How can they Promote Sustainability in Third
States?, in: Wybe Th. Douma, Steffen van der Velde (eds.), EU
environmental norms and third countries: the EU as a role model?,
CLEER Working Papers 2013/5. - Reinier de Man, The Business Case for
Transparent Land Deals, paper presented at the 2013 World Bank
conference on Land and Poverty, Washington, April 8-11, 2013 - Reinier de Man, Aileen Ionescu-Somers, Sustainable Sourcing of Agricultural Raw Materials – a Practitioner’s
Guide, SAI-Platform and Partners, March 2013 - Reinier de Man, The Settlement
of Disputes on Land Rights, study commissioned by Oxfam/Novib and
IDH, May 2012 - Reinier de Man, Agricultural
Commodities that Respect Land Rights and Food Security – How to
Include Land Governance Issues in Sustainable Commodity Standards,
paper presented at the 2012 World Bank Conference on Land and
Poverty (Washington, April 23-26, 2012) - Reinier de Man,
Agricultural Commodities that Respect Land Rights and Food Security,
report of a High Level Workshop of the Swiss Agency for Development
and Cooperation and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The
Hague February 20. 2012. - Reinier de Man, Land Governance and Food Security Issues in Commodity Standards,
Interim Report to SDC Bern, Leiden, July 1, 2011. - Reinier de Man, Wouter Pronk, Reports of two stakeholder workshops
in: M.G. Bos, W.H. Diemont, A. Verhagen (eds.), Sustainable Peat Supply Chain –
Report of the Ad-hoc Working Group Enhancing the Sustainability of the
Peat Supply Chain for Dutch Horticulture, Alterra Report 2167, Wageningen UR, 2011. - Reinier de Man, Land Issues in
Voluntary Standards for Investments in Agriculture, paper
presented at The World Bank Annual Bank Conference on Land Policy and
Administration, Washington, April 26 and 27, 2010 - Jordan Nikoloyuk, Tom R. Burns, Reinier de Man, The Promise and
Limitations of Partnered Governance: The Case of Sustainable Palm Oil,
Corporate Governance, Vol. 10, Issue 1, p. 59-72,
For earlier publications, see old website: